The Unconscious and Subconscious: What's the Difference?

Rating 5, 0 (63) · The unconscious and the subconscious are two phenomena that are often confused. While they may seem similar, there are some key differences between them. The unconscious is a process that occurs automatically and is not available to the conscious mind. It is a separate consciousness that dwells in the same body.

On the other hand, the subconscious is not seen as a separate consciousness. It is more like a computer that collects data from your senses and stores it in the mind. Reprogramming this layer of the mind can help you change your beliefs and achieve success and happiness. In psychoanalytic traditions, the unconscious has its own consciousness and agendas. This is particularly clear in Jung's concept of the Self.

Freud initially used the terms “subconscious” and “unconscious” interchangeably, but later rejected this idea. The term “subconscious” was coined by psychologist Pierre Janet. The authors of these fields view the unconscious more as a machine. It looks more like a computer than a conscience. This computer collects all the data from your senses and all of this is permanently stored in the mind.

You can also see it in the identification of Freud: they are parts of the mind outside the consciousness of the ego that have their own consciousness. This consciousness has a separate center. The subconscious is connected to something beyond the individual. This is the mechanism by which the law of attraction works. The subconscious takes advantage of universal transpersonal frequencies.

By taking advantage of the subconscious, you are accessing this universal energy field, and it is from it that manifestation occurs. The cosmic law is that like attracts like and, therefore, thoughts of love attract love and thoughts of abundance attract abundance and so on. Unconscious can also be used as a noun, especially in psychoanalysis, where it shares a meaning with the subconscious in its substantive form. If a person is alert but doesn't realize they're thinking or doing something, the thought or action is subconscious, not unconscious. Gay calls the use of the subconscious when the writer means unconscious as a “common and revealing mistake” and. If you're having trouble using the unconscious or subconscious in your writing, you can use this trick to find out which term is correct. Subconscious and unconscious are synonymous when they are informal adjectives that mean that they occur in the absence of consciousness or thought. By extension of the same rules, unconscious would mean not conscious and subconscious would mean being below consciousness.

The visible is the conscious, while what is lower and deeper are the subconscious and the unconscious.